Birds seen in Peru, May 2008

All photographs, Paul Gale

Vultures (4)

Birds of Prey (14)

Terns (3)

Cormorants, Pelicans and Boobies (3)

Waders and Jacana (8)

Ducks & Geese (6)

Ibises and Flamingos (3)

Rails and Coots (5)

Herons (6)

Grebes (3)

Swifts (3)

Barbets and Swallow-wing (2)

Kingfishers (2)

Woodpeckers (4)

Gulls (2)

Doves and Pigeons (7)

Miners, Earthcreepers, Horneros and Cinclodes (5)

Tit-spinetails and Canasteros (3)

Thrushes and Fruit crow (3)

Tanager and cardinals (6)

Flycatchers (9)

Saltators, seedeaters and sparrows (6)

Jacamar (1)

Blackbirds, Oropendulas and Orioles (7)

Siskins (2)

Anis and Cuckoos (3)

Swallows and Martins (8)

Tyrants and Shrike-tyrant (6)

Finches (8)

Parrots, parakeets and parrotlets (10)

Flowerpiercers and conebills (3)

Hummingbirds (7)

House Wren and Black-capped Donacobius (2)

White capped Dipper - seen on the Urubamba River (1)

Unidentified (2)

Birds not photographed

Peru 2008

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